Vivek Das PhD, MSc


Omics in Clinical Trials | Digital Business Strategy | Data Science | Applied ML/AI | Strategy & Innovation | Mentor | Thought Leader | Scientific Advisory Board Member

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About Me

šŸ‘‹ Hi, Iā€™m Vivek Das

šŸ‘€ I work on finding therapeutic targets or biomarkers (prognostic/predictive) for multiple cardiometabolic (e.g. Chronic Kidney, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes, Liver, Neurodegenerative, etc.) diseases combining data-driven and knowledge-driven avenues by leveraging the integration of bulk and single-cell multi-omics data alongside clinical data from human observational cohorts and clinical trials

šŸŒ± I currently collaborate, mentor PhD/PostDocs/Data Scientists, lead studies/projects and a team of exceptional clinical data scientists and bioinformaticians involving single-cell transcriptomics, spatial transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, multi-omics data integration, clinical data integration to achieve the above

šŸ’» I also worked on omics projects involving preclinical data with interventional designs e.g. knockout or drug-treated at single cell or bulk multi-omics level

šŸ’žļø I also collaborate on developing applied machine learning models using publicly available data with curious students or researchers and contribute to open science and open source modeling. I am fascinated by the potential of high-dimensional and high-throughput biomedical data.


šŸ“š To read more about our published works kindly check out my Google Scholar page



Consortium and Collaborations

I have collaborated with a few biotech, pharmaceutical companies in pre-competitive space, universities, and hospitals within and outside my current job across projects, leading work packages, team, supervision of PhD and Post-Doctorial researchers.

Consortium and collaborations I have been part of:

Open source projects

Board Member

Scientific advice and suggestions on the utility of current and potential features of the bioinformatics software and solutions, focusing on algorithms, statistical methods, and user experience.

Talks, Interviews and Podcasts (Selected)

Certifications and Awards

How to reach out

Technical blogging

General blogging

Topic of interest